Friday, December 24, 2010

Friday, December 17, 2010

Merry, Happy, What?

Can we have a season of love, equality, kindness and acceptance, even a celebration of our differences? We can. It's all about choices.

I see people getting upset over the silliest things. Merry Christmas. "How dare you promote your religion while ignoring mine?" O.K. Happy Holidays. "Well, now you've left Christ out and insulted my  beliefs! Oh, balderdash. Bah, humbug. Anytime a simple greeting of good cheer is twisted and interpreted as an insult, that's a bad choice. Where's the love, people?

Gift giving is another issue. If you're one of those alien life forms with plenty of money who thrives to shop 'til you drop--go for it. Enjoy yourself! If you're driving yourself and everyone in your family insane, caught up in a gift competition, I have a suggestion. Just stop. That's right. Just say "no". We should give because it feels good and because we want to make someone else happy. If giving presents is stressful and makes your stomach ache, you're not doing it right.

A few years ago, I announced that I would not exchange gifts on Christmas day. Some relatives were shocked. I was even accused of cancelling Christmas. For  my part, I was dismayed that gifts were being perceived as the only reason we gathered together. My vision was a family gathering filled with laughter, song, good food, and a real celebration of life. Instead people were angry at my "lack of Christmas spirit". I still don't understand that, but you know what, folks? The angry people got over it, and one by one, I've seen them adopt my policy. Maybe they noticed how relaxed I am at this time of year and wanted to see how that feels. Good choice!

I do have one request and this is really important to me. Stop insulting the fruitcake. I love fruitcake! I'm not talking about the refrigerator version made with ground up Graham crackers, cherries, and pecans. No sir. I want the old-fashioned cake, baked and wrapped in wine-soaked cheesecloth. (Drool starting to flow here.) I used to have an Afghan hound named Whisper who didn't have a sweet tooth in her head--except for fruit cake. Back then, I didn't know that raisins are poison to dogs, but she survived with no noticeable ill effects. Whenever I unwrapped the fruitcake, Whisper's eyes would light up and she'd wiggle all over. I haven't baked our fruitcake this year, but I plan to buy a small one so that I can have a slice in remembrance of Whisper, my beautiful girl.

Merry, Happy, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Holiday, Life Day--whatever, dude.
Keep the love flowing.