Monday, October 31, 2011

Day planner wisdom

"Love is life. All, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love. Everything is, everything exists, only because I love. Everything is united by it alone."
  --Leo Tolstoy

Do you believe this was the daily quote in my day planner? It blew me away.

The weather is so beautiful right now. It's perfect for bike riding, running, walking around staring up at the clouds. I've been doing all of those things. Lately my schedule is:  wake up, feed the animals, feed myself (and drink coffee), then paint for an hour or two, run with the dogs (I just started running again, so it's run--walk--run--walk. I feel good, though, running a little farther every day.), then back home to do any  necessary housework and get ready for work. I think this must be my favorite time of year. The threat of a coming frost looms ahead, so every warm day is treasured.

I still have a lot of work to get all the plants ready to go into the greenhouse. My bicycle has been living there all summer; it needs a new home for winter. I'm not worried. Everything will be finished in time. I'm learning that if I stress about the lack of time, time runs out. If I keep repeating that there is plenty of time, no worries, everything I need to do gets done with a new focus and care. Amazing. It really is all about attitude.

Breathe deeply, love fully, and enjoy each moment.