Saturday, November 12, 2011

Colorful Breakfast

1 celery stalk, finely chopped
1 grated carrot
1 grated apple
1 orange, separated into small pieces with membrane removed

Mix together. Top individual servings with chopped pecans, raisins, and granola. If you add more granola than I do, a little almond milk can be added to the mix.

I like the  natural sweetness of the carrot/apple combination. The recipe can be varied by substituting different nuts (walnuts, almonds, etc.), adding dried cranberries instead of raisins, or using different types of granola. Homemade granola is great, but I've been using some Kashi Mountain Medley that someone at work gave to me. He said that it was "too healthy" for him. Can you ever be too healthy?

This makes enough for 2-3 people or if you're eating alone, it will keep for a day or two in the 'frig'. The orange prevents the apple from turning dark.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Last Rose of Summer

I just had to clip this one. My rose bushes are great in the Spring, but then they don't do much. Parental neglect probably plays a part in their lack of enthusiastic blooming.This was a late fall surprise, a nice gift from the universe.

My darling rose, thank you for sharing your beauty on this late fall day.