Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Glorious Bromeliads

     These are outside my bedroom window. What a sight! I started with one bromeliad that I rescued from work a few years ago and now I have a window box overflowing. They are filled with little rain frogs who like to sing (loudly!) at dawn as well as other times. The pot on the end has a nest of baby wrens. Mama wren spends so much time and energy bringing food to her little ones. Actually, it might be Papa wren. I need to read up on who is the real breadwinner in the wren family.

The blooms are solid pink and spikey when they first appear. Over the next few days, they explode with purple petals emerging within the spikes.

 I was standing on a ladder to take these shots and I am not a ladder person. I swallowed my fear and it was worth the effort. I do love my plants. Whenever you spend time caring for something, whether it's a plant, animal, or another human, a bond is created and a feeling of responsibility engendered. That's what life is about--caretaking, loving, giving what we can, when we can.

Lessons are learned and we are nourished.

Thank you for your beauty, bromeliads.

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