Saturday, March 13, 2010


I filled my hummingbird feeders and put them outside today. Early, I know, but I'm ready for Spring and if some early birds show up, they won't be disappointed. Last year a hummer danced in front of my window while I scrambled to boil water, clean a feeder and mix up a sugary meal--which then had to cool before I could serve it. There will not be a repeat performance this year. Dinner is prepared and awaiting their arrival.

My afternoon was spent repotting some of my porch plants. Disturbing, because some are in really bad shape. This unusually cold winter caused more damage than I had realized. I was brutal in cutting away damaged leaves, fronds, and roots while visualizing the new growth that will soon flourish.

With the same spirit I am challenging myself to cut away old beliefs, free myself from unhealthy roots that are hampering my growth. I anticipate a spiritual and physical renewal of my entire being--body and soul.

Spring forward with joy,

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