Friday, April 23, 2010


Feeling the wind , listening to the sound of my own footsteps, I stopped and was overcome by the realization that this wind, this air is connected to people all over the world. Then, I imagined the earth beneath my feet going down, down far below the earth's crust to the very center and ultimately out to the opposite side of the earth. The butterfly effect came to mind. Every action we take has a consequence, but most of the time we are unaware of the results. I vow to think positive, joyful thoughts lest my negativity should impact the future of the universe in undesirable ways.

Lead with love,

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Serena! Your post is 100% how I feel. It is great that more and more people seem to become aware that we are all part of this "Brotherhood of Earth", so to speak. I love that! Hope we all can keep on working in spreading this awareness and changing this world into a better improved version!

    Love vibes!
