Wednesday, August 18, 2010


This is Toadie, our resident porch toad. He's been hangin' out here this summer along with Jade, our porch kitty. Thank god, Jade doesn't see him as prey. Perhaps, she had a bad toad experience earlier in her life. I talk to him, but I can't say that he gets much out of our conversations. If I get too close, he hops away. My presence can't be good for his hunting. He probably just wants me to leave him alone, if he's even aware of me at all. O.K., he must be aware or he wouldn't hop away. Toads don't perceive objects the same way that we do. Their brains aren't set up like ours. They see what they need to see and react accordingly. I wonder what's out there that we're not seeing. Hmmm . . . .

This is one of our many back-yard toads. I haven't given him a name, but I guess I could use the same nomenclature for all of them. I do that with squirrels. All the squirrels in my yard are called "Charlie". Anyone care to suggest a toad name? It would have to be more original than "Toadie". Unfortunately, the dogs aren't as smart as Jade. I've had to wash Gracie's mouth out several times after she tried to catch toads. When I see puddles of drool dripping from her mouth, I know she's caught one. That hasn't happened in the last few weeks, so maybe she has figured out that toads just aren't as much fun as snakes. Anyway, I do love our toads.

All creatures are precious and beautiful in their own way. Look closely. Amazement and awe are guaranteed.

With love,

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