Friday, August 6, 2010

My Beautiful Day

I'll start with my visit to a new doctor, hopeful of starting a collaborative relationship which would lead me to a renewed state of health. This was not to be. Instead, I perused slick magazines in his waiting room for  two hours, then after a brief consult witih the man himself, I cut the interview off and walked out. It was an amicable parting. I apologized for wasting his time, my money was refunded (amazingly!) and I drove home feeling a bit shocked at things the doc had said, but proud of myself. It seems that I have learned something over the years. If a relationship isn't working for you, especially one that involves your money and your health, it's best to nip it in the bud. Just walk away.

The best part of this day was spent at home. I planted my grapefruit tree in the yard. This tree began its life as a sprouting seed I found inside my afternoon snack two years ago. The planting was sorely overdue, as she has been feeling sad in her oversized pot these past two months. I'll have to be diligent about watering her until she adjusts to the new locale, even as I imagine her roots spreading and rejoicing in her new-found freedom. Her old pot I filled with a peace lily rescued from work (while our porch toad kept a watchful eye). May they lead happier, more fulfilling lives.

After cleaning the bird bath, I was ready to head inside for a much needed shower when inspiration struck. I was holding a water hose, right? I tried to talk my hubby into some wild waterplay, but ended up dancing alone in my undies under the cold spray. For a few minutes, I was 8 yrs. old again, reveling in the magic of sunshine and waterdrops. Yes, there are advantages to living in the woods and thankfully, no photos were taken to capture the event.

There was more magic to this day--
I watched two lectures on The Brain from The Teaching Company, started a new book, walked my dogs, etc. A male hummingbird came to my window, alerting me that the squirrels had emptied his favorite feeder yet again. Just what we need--more squirrels hyped up on sugar water. Geez! As the day was dimming, I refilled all the feeders and heard geese honking their way across the sky above. What an altogether glorious day.

Happy to be,

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